Homebirth Midwifery Care

Your home is my office! All appointments take place in your home.

In keeping with the Midwives’ Model of Care, (a shared-care model where parents play an active role in their health care decisions), your prenatal care is individualized and evidence-based. Clients receive a binder full of information regarding pregnancy and post-birth self-care, nutrition information, laboratory testing options, and lots of birth, after birth and parenting tips. Throughout your care I’ll provide you with information and guidance on what to expect during your pregnancy, birth and postpartum; however, I strongly encourage parents to conduct their own research as well.
I work closely with other holistic, midwifery and obstetric practitioners in the community and often collaborate with, or refer to them, in order to help you have the best possible pregnancy and birth experience. Partners, siblings and pets are an integral part of your life and welcomed at all visits.

Prenatal Care

All of our visits, take place in your home and last about an hour in order to allow plenty of time for questions and answers. Each prenatal visit includes a thorough evaluation of mom/birthing parent and baby (blood pressure monitoring, measuring the growth of your uterus, listening to your baby’s heartbeat and palpating your baby’s position) as well as an educational component with discussions about healthy lifestyle choices, optimal nutrition, comfort in pregnancy, sibling preparation, breastfeeding and many other topics. Between visits, I am available by phone and email to answer questions.

Appointments are scheduled at these approximate intervals:

  • Once a month until 28 weeks

  • Every 2 weeks from 28-36 weeks

  • Weekly from 36 weeks until birth

Gatherings, Classes and Walks!

I offer periodic group classes, gatherings and walks for all my pregnant and postpartum clients. These group activities are a great way to meet other parents, socialize, get support from your peers, build your community, share your birth story and introduce your new baby to others.

Your Labor and Birth

Every labor and birth is different. When you go into labor we will be in close contact and I will join you when the time seems right to us both. At your labor and birth I will remain respectful and patient. I will offer encouragement, guidance, emotional support, trust in your inner wisdom, and ideas to facilitate your labor. There are no arbitrary rules or timetables about how you go through this process. My role is to support you in birthing your baby, your way.
I will monitor you and your baby’s progress and health during labor and the immediate postpartum period, I will do so as unobtrusively as possible. I can be as available or as out of sight as you wish during your labor (you may prefer to labor privately or with just your partner for a good portion of your labor).
As your labor progresses and your baby’s birth draws near, I will call a second midwife to act in an assistant's role. The second midwife usually stays an hour or so after the birth of your baby.
Before I leave, your baby will receive a comprehensive newborn exam, which takes place right at your side. I will make sure that you are comfortable and nourished and that your baby has fed. Lastly, I clean up and tuck you into your bed. I return to check on your family and provide your first postpartum visit within 18 to 36 hours of your baby’s birth.

Postpartum Care

photo c/o Diane Rieger

photo c/o Diane Rieger

I routinely provide at least six postpartum/well baby visits in your home during your first six weeks after birth, and more when there are special circumstances warranting them. During these visits we will monitor your health and your body’s return to its non-pregnant state. I will also monitor your baby's growth, well-being and the development of your nursing relationship. We will spend time discussing your family’s adjustment and your emotional state.

It Takes a Village...


I believe in the concept that it takes a village to raise a baby and at no time is it more important than in the early days to gather your support team. While I have a lot of experience supporting lactation and can help with most situations, I am happy to provide all my clients with an optional in-home visit with a Lactation Consultant (Tracy Massillon, IBCLC, Paula Santi, IBCLC or Amy Clark, IBCLC) in the first month after their baby's birth.

I am also intrigued by the French government’s policy of postpartum physical therapy after birth. (Read more about France’s program here.) I evaluate all my clients for pelvic floor health and offer my clients an optional postpartum wellness check up with a pelvic floor physical therapist Karen Hodges, DPT) within 6-8 weeks of birth. 

photo c/o Diane Rieger

photo c/o Diane Rieger

About Michelle Welborn, CPM, LM

Yes, Welborn is my real family name! I have been a midwife for 14 years in SF and the surrounding area, primarily attending homebirths. I have witnessed close to 1000 births and worked with hundreds of families during the postpartum. Midwifery is an art that integrates ancient wisdom, modern knowledge and the greatest of intimacies. Perhaps the most basic core human experience is to give birth. Yet, this “normal” life process of childbirth has the power to transform us at the deepest levels. Witnessing this journey and being a midwife is both a joy and a privilege. I know that how we are heard, held and cared for in pregnancy, birth and the postpartum can change our lives. You can read more about me and my midwifery practice on my website www.welbornbaby.com 

What former clients have to say…

“Michelle is the BEST person and midwife we could have had the fortune to meet. I had a traumatic first birthing experience and I truly feel like Michelle was instrumental in helping me come full circle. It was and continues to be a huge deal for me and I think of my experience quite often with so much gratitude for Michelle. We ended up choosing to have a vbac and home birth. Michelle is not only kind and communicative at all times, but we built a trust that is indescribable. Knowing someone for a short time and having that person be in a position to hold the most precious things in their care is something that doesn't happen very often. Michelle is the best of the best when it comes to midwifery care. She's the one you want when it comes to someone knowledgeable, with experience and that indescribable intuition. She cares about you and the rest of the family and of course the baby. She is comprehensive and direct and gentle and kind and compassionate all the same time. She's one in a million.”


“Michelle is the best midwife in the Bay Area - hands down! I've been her client for both of my beautiful births. Both planned homebirths, one ended up being a hospital induction due to complications and the other a most perfect homebirth. I couldn't have come out of either of these births feeling 100% postitive about my birth story without the support of Michelle. She blends the perfect amount of knowledge and research with a depth of emotional support and presence that inspires 100% confidence in her care. At every single prenatal and postpartum visit Michelle has a way of making your feel like time is luxurious and you are the most important thing she has to do. There are so many more amazing things to know about Michelle - don't pass up the chance to interview her if you are even slightly considering a homebirth. You will not regret it.”


“The fact that we had all our prenatal care at home meant our toddler could get really involved and excited about becoming a big sister, and it was just fun and easier. Her support during the 6 weeks after giving birth was so lovely, I could really focus on myself and my family because she was there every few days checking up on us and making sure all is well. I can go on and on! Michelle is the BEST; you won't regret choosing her!”


“Postnatal care is amazing. Women need so much after birth support and Michelle swaddled us with love, care, support and advice. You never have to leave your home when you are exhausted with a newborn! If you want an expert, facts, a calm and capable team with years of experience Michelle is your midwife.” 


“As first-time parents, we were excited and nervous and anxious, and Michelle was everything we needed her to be during those early prenatal appointments. She was excited with us, so tender and loving and reassuring and calmed our fears by giving us lots of information in the warmest way imaginable. 

She'd come to our apartment in San Francisco, and it was like having an old friend stop over for tea. She was always very thoughtful, considerate, warm and compassionate about our feelings and what we were experiencing. Her knowledge in supplements and nutrition throughout pregnancy was also so helpful. I STILL reference the info she gave me for myself and for my friends. I can't say enough great things about her.” 


More birth stories, comments and reviews on my website and yelp.

Contact an insurance biller to discover what reimbursement you can expect for midwifery care.